Healthcoach/ lifestyle instructor
Maartje van Geenen: (Msc) founder/healthcoach-teacher
I have found that connecting to your own inner peace or silence, while being in the midst of activity, is the key for success, personal health and well-being!
This realization has led me to start up Silent Activity as a means to spread this important message and to offer practical tools and inspiration to empower people to participate in their physical and mental well-being.
I see education as a means to help people become aware of unhealthy habits and patterns, that keep them from thriving and living a joyful, meaningful life.
Educating and guiding people towards establishing healthy, daily routines and helping them to connect to their center of well-being, in the midst of daily activity, enhances the individual and the collective well-being.
I have always had an interest in health at the macro and micro level. I have studied four years of Medicine and hold a Masters degree in Biomedical Sciences (Utrecht University, the Netherlands). Furthermore, I am a (Nobco)certified Coach, certified Chopra lifestyle instructor and Chopra yoga teacher (Chopra institute for Well-being). Even though, I am originally educated in Western Science, I have always equally appreciated the holistic Body-Mind medicine from the East.
Today, as a Health Coach, Chopra Health instructor and yoga teacher, I use integrative medicine to guide people to restore their natural balance, by helping them to connect to their intuitive knowledge and wisdom.
My broad education serves the purpose to educate and inspire others to take more control of their lives, by taking conscious steps towards creating personal health and well-being.