Chopra Yoga
Participate in your own health and well-being!
Chopra Yoga
Chopra Yoga integrates the wisdom of Eastern traditions into modern everyday life. Different Chopra Yoga themes provide a lens, which offers insights into coping with life’s challenges and opportunities.
Chopra Yoga themes teach you to align personal actions with universal principles.
E.g., the Law of pure potentiality helps you to discover your true self, stripped of societal expectations and limiting beliefs. It also teaches the importance of inner silence for personal growth.
Chopra yoga is, therefore, not some distant spiritual experience on the mat, but a hands-on experience for personal development, learning to embody the universal principles of yoga in every moment of your living.
Chopra Yoga teacher
Chopra Yoga is offered by Maartje van Geenen (200-hour Yoga Alliance certified). Maartje is furthermore a certified Chopra health teacher, a NOBCO certified coach and holds a Master degree in Biomedical Sciences (Utrecht University, the Netherlands).
With her calm and clear voice, Maartje guides students of yoga into releasing stress and tension, providing tools for physical, mental-emotional and spiritual well-being.
Maartje has been practicing yoga herself for nearly 30 years and has had a personal morning and evening yoga practice for over 15 years now. Yoga gives her increased flexibility, strength, clarity of mind and spiritual connection. Teaching the profound wisdom of physical poses, mindful awareness and spirituality to others, aligns her with her inner purpose: making a contribution to global health and inner well-being.
“Chopra Yoga sets the intention for a joyful, energetic body, a loving compassionate heart, a reflective alert mind and lightness of being.”
— Dr. Deepak Chopra