The science of life
How can you live a healthy, harmonious and purposeful life?
Thousands of years ago, the ancient sages of India listened to the wisdom of life by entering inner silence. After oral transmission, this wisdom was written down in the Veda’s; the great books of wisdom from ancient India. The part of the Veda’s discussing how to adopt a healthy, conscious lifestyle is called Ayurveda. Ayurveda means the wisdom or science of life. This manual for living a healthy life is based upon the Body Mind Spirit Medicine. This Medicine addresses your physiology, thoughts, emotions and spiritual well-being. Spirituality means feeling connected to the whole, or being whole, instead of being stuck in the fragmented ego, which centres itself in everything. Instead, you realize that you are an integral part of life. So, the illusion of being a separate entity dissolves and you become one with universal life. This might seem deep, but you don’t need to think about it. Ayurveda is all about experiencing. It gives you practical tools and guidance on expanding your awareness, so you go from constriction to a more open, loving and conscious experience.
Today, Western Medicine recognizes the link between thoughts, emotions and physiological responses. In addition, scientific research shows that spiritual well-being contributes to the prevention of the most prevalent chronic lifestyle related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), obesity and Diabetes. The American Heart Association recommends meditation on top of the regular prevention strategies, such as a healthy diet, good sleep and exercise. Furthermore, meditation, mindfulness or restful awareness are safe, easy and proven interventions to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, in addition to improving total well-being.
So, the ancient sages of India, who listened to the inner voice of the universe are proven to be right. The Ayurvedic or integral lifestyle helps you return to your inner voice. This way, you learn to recognize, listen to and act upon it in all areas of life. As a result, you naturally bring your body and mind back into balance and connect to your inner well-being. You restore the peaceful connection with peace itself, which is, as Ayurveda states, the basis for improving total health and well-being.